Summer Camp on Research, Conservation, and Restoration of Stone Monuments

15.08.2022 Graveyards, irrespective of their religious belonging, represent important research sources for studying various phenomena unfolding in the community where respective graveyards are located. Also, a funeral monument is in itself a historical source and can be often considered artistic and cultural heritage. Therefore, by researching such monuments we can...

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The Last(ing) Signs Archival Collection

23.03.2022 The Last(ing) Signs Archival Collection is creating the context for collecting deteriorating artefacts in public spaces which keep stories and symbolical meanings from XX century Romania. All images show objects that were once useful or carried certain meanings, but today they are rather useless and remain present in the...

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We launched the FRI Community Archive!

22.03.2022 The FRI Community Archive is an independent community-based archive located in Calbor and Făgăraș, Romania. The archive works on the principles of participation, research, open access, and debate. Participation  The archive collaborates with the local community that participates actively in the process of collecting archival records and collections. Our...

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Urbanism and architecture workshop focusing on the Făgăraș Synagogue and its surroundings

01.08.2021 While the Synagogue roof restoration workshop is taking place, between August 5-8 we organized a workshop for exploring different ways for the design of the Cultural Center. The workshop brought together 12 architects and students in architecture and experts on other relevant topics. During the workshop, the participants made...

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Paul Morbach, the current ifa cultural manager at the German Community from Făgăraș mentions our work regarding the Synagogue

05.04.2021 Paul Morbach, the ifa Cultural Manager of the German Community in Făgăraș, gave an interview about his stay and work in the region and made reference to our colleague Andrei Morar’s paper about the Făgăraș Synagogue, entitled “Sinagoga și comunitatea evreiască – istorie pierdută a Făgărașului”. For Paul Morbach,...

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FRI Analysis: The COVID-19 urgent sanitary measures in a historical perspective: early measures are often not optimal

14.08.2020 Parallel with the spread of SARS-CoV-2, national governments are trying to limit the pandemic’s consequences. Measures are taken under pressure. Probable devastating scenarios such as raising death tolls, health care system collapse, and a financial crisis cast a shadow over political decision-making. As an immediate reaction to COVID-19 threats,...

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