Labour Unions and Why We Cannot Fight the Class Struggle by Ourselves

In a world where economic inequality keeps growing, it is critical to comprehend the function of labor unions. This course explores the origins and relevance of labor unions and their influence on the development of contemporary society. Participants will learn why individual efforts alone cannot effectively address the class struggle...

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European Community Foundation Initiative: Publication of the Peer-evaluation Report

26.07.2022 Authors: · Dr. Stefan Cibian · Dr. R. Alejandro Hernández Renner – Ansis Bērziņš – Rachel McGrath   The Făgăraș Research Institute led a field-driven evaluation of the European Community Foundations Initiative (ECFI). The analysis and insights will play an important role in shaping ECFI beyond 2022 and has...

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Effects of COVID-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – article

25.03.2021 “Global crises caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, since early 2020, can compromise the world commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Authors: Kalterina Shulla · Bernd‑Friedrich Voigt · Stefan Cibian · Giuseppe Scandone · Edna Martinez · Filip Nelkovski · Pourya Salehi The article discusses critical aspects...

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Effects of COVID-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – article

18.03.2021 Our colleague Stefan Cibian, co-authored an article on COVID-19 impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  “Global crises caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, since early 2020, can compromise the world commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” The article discusses critical aspects of the global pandemic for...

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Turkey – European Union relations: Insights for the Future

Turkey – European Union (EU) relations are at an all times low. The transformation of the Turkish political regime in the aftermath of the failed coup against President Erdogan puts significant pressure on the vision for a common future. Essentially, Turkey’s EU integration process is stalled. The importance of trade...

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Emerging Engagements Between Central & Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa: Common Interests and Cooperation

Emerging Engagements Between Central & Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa: Common Interests and Cooperation was organized on October 31, 2019, in Accra, Ghana, by Chatham House – The Royal Institute of International Affairs  from London. Dr. Stefan Cibian held a presentation on The Context, Drivers and Outlook for CEE-SSA Relations...

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CEE – A Region In-Between, Annual Conference of the Central Europe Political Science Association, Pecs

On September 26-27, 2019 the Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA) held its 24th annual conference, entitled CEE – A Region In-Between. The conference took place in Pecs, Hungary and brought together scholars, researchers, and students from all countries in the region. Dr. Stefan Cibian presented a paper entitled Making...

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