Round table on Diverse Types of Knowledge, Archives, and Learning Practices

August 17, 17.00 – 19.00 (Romanian time, hybrid, in English) The round table will bring together learning, research, and knowledge creation practices from multiple cultural spaces, in an attempt to explore potential intersectionalities, but also instances of epistemic violence. Examples from African countries, the US, Romania, and other European countries...

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We launched the registration for this year’s edition of the Făgăraș Summer School. Join us! Am lansat înscrierile pentru Școala de Vară de la Făgăraș. Vă așteptăm!

19.07.2021 2021 brings the third edition of the Făgăraș Summer School. This year we are exploring the hybrid version of the school, we will offer a series of webinars and on-site courses at the Institute’s location. The courses will take place between July and August. Find more about this year’s...

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We launched the registration for this year’s edition of the Făgăraș Summer School. Join us!

2020 brings the second edition of the Făgăraș Summer School. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we will offer a series of webinars. The webinars will take place in August and September, with a concentration between August 5-14. Find more about this year’s courses as well as the registration...

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