The post-COVID-19 World: Impact on People with visual and/or hearing impairment from Romania

The pandemic has impacted societies globally in fundamental ways, affecting the needs and ways of life for all actors in local communities, including the lives of people with visual and/or hearing impairments. Orange Foundation Romania invests for over ten years in projects that improve the lives of people with visual...

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SPACE: Sustainable Partnerships for Arts and Culture in Europe

Like many rural European regions, communities in Transylvania, East Germany, and Albania are challenged by migration and an accelerating decline of local cultural offerings. Although most villages in Albania and Romania have designated cultural centers, such spaces are still to become more connected to local communities. Meanwhile, new community spaces...

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A National Study on Digital Exclusion in Romania

The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020 portrays a critical image for Romania in what concerns digital competences. Romania is ranked 27 out of 28 EU countries with regard to human capital development. The present project aims to study the opportunities of digital inclusion among the disadvantaged population in...

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BAN potential in Peace and Science & Research: A social network analysis perspective

Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a powerful research-based approach to strengthening networks. We are convinced that through SNA the Bosch Alumni Network Clusters on Peace and Science & Research can become more connected and impactful. The project will help understand what peace, research, and science topics BAN members engage with,...

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Mapping Civil Society response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Cluj

The research project aims to analyze the experiences of Cluj civil society during the COVID-19 pandemic, its mobilization, and the type of support received and offered to third parties.  The research is implemented in partnership with the Association for Community Relations (ARC) and is commissioned by the Urban Innovation Division...

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COVID-19 and Impact Management: Tools for enhancing civil society impact

We are confronted with a pandemic that is about to change the world in fundamental ways - including the activity of civil society organizations (CSOs), small and large. The ability of CSOs to understand current transformations and at the same time demonstrate impact is central to their sustainability prospects, given...

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Community spaces and their role during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond

COVID-19 has disrupted the way we carry out our activities to an unprecedented level. States of emergency and lockdown impact directly the activity of community spaces that exist to empower local communities. These community spaces are the kind of physical infrastructure that is central for any network as it provides...

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