Summer Camp on Research, Conservation, and Restoration of Stone Monuments

15.08.2022 Graveyards, irrespective of their religious belonging, represent important research sources for studying various phenomena unfolding in the community where respective graveyards are located. Also, a funeral monument is in itself a historical source and can be often considered artistic and cultural heritage. Therefore, by researching such monuments we can...

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We launched the registration for this year’s edition of the Făgăraș Summer School. Join us! Am lansat înscrierile pentru Școala de Vară de la Făgăraș. Vă așteptăm!

19.07.2021 2021 brings the third edition of the Făgăraș Summer School. This year we are exploring the hybrid version of the school, we will offer a series of webinars and on-site courses at the Institute’s location. The courses will take place between July and August. Find more about this year’s...

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We launched the registration for this year’s edition of the Făgăraș Summer School. Join us!

2020 brings the second edition of the Făgăraș Summer School. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we will offer a series of webinars. The webinars will take place in August and September, with a concentration between August 5-14. Find more about this year’s courses as well as the registration...

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Făgăraș Summer School 2019 – second part

15.08.2019 The second part of th 2019 Făgăraș Summer School was held between August 5-14 in Făgăraș. The Summer School included courses, workshops and a lab in the following fields: social science research – social network analysis, economy, investigative journalism, technology, migration, international relations, literature, physics, history, art history, entrepreneurship...

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The Făgăraș Summer School brings together people who are passionate about various research and action topics. The Summer School is designed to create a space for interdisciplinary interactions, in order to facilitate collaboration among researchers, practitioners, students, and people from the local community. 2019 brings the first edition of the Făgăraș...

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