Ștefania Pică
YRC Member
Stefania is a second year student at University College Utrecht in the Netherlands. She is following courses in political science, international law and history, with a plan to complete an interdepartmental degree in social sciences and humanities. Her interests stems from community work done during high school that shaped her passion for understanding the governence of a state in the complex context in which it finds itself. Through a Liberal Arts and Sciences education, Stefania develops an activist spirit, teamwork and adaptable to vast academic fields.In her free time, she volunteers in the international student organization AIESEC in Utrecht as a part-time member with the position of National Program Manager in Outgoing Global Volunteer.
She graduated from National College Radu Negru in Făgăraș, during which she activated as a member of the YouthBank Făgăraș team for three years, as a volunteer of the Ţara Făgăraș Community Foundation and a volunteer at most events organized in the community (Bikeathonul Tării Făgărașului, 11even, Artfestin, Urlea Eco Trail etc.) learning organizational and social skills. In 2018 she was a fellow of the grant “Journalist for good deeds”, in which she wrote and published four articles on civic initiatives in the area of Făgăraș County. Stefania is interested in people and their stories, in nature conservation and in promoting education on current topics, of interest and usefulness.
Ia Călătoare, support for children and hope for traditions (Ia Călătoare, sprijinul copiilor și speranța tradițiilor), in Romanian.
Link: https://fundatiactf.ro/iia-calatoare-sprijinul-copiilor-si-speranta-traditiilor/
A lesson of the present: About mountains and change (O parabolă a prezentului – despre munți și schimbare), in Romanian.
Link: https://fundatiactf.ro/o-parabola-a-prezentului-despre-munti-si-schimbare/
Research, the art to develop a community (Cercetarea, arta de a dezvolta o comunitate), in Romanian.
Link: https://fundatiactf.ro/cercetarea-arta-de-a-dezvolta-o-comunitate/
When disempowerment is no longer an option, what happens? (Când nu mai „merge și așa”, cum merge?), in Romanian.
Link: https://fundatiactf.ro/cand-nu-mai-merge-si-asa-cum-merge/