Magdalena Dragan, Ph.D.

Research Fellow

Dr. Magdalena Drăgan is a researcher at the Geography Department of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca Branch. She studied Geography-French Language and Literature at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. She got a PhD in Regional Geography from the same university. Main interests are post-communist changes (demographic, economic and landscape changes) taking place in rural areas. Currently she works on a study on the management of the commons (forests and pastures) in Romania. She lives outside Cluj-Napoca with husband, son, a dog and five cats.

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Drăgan Magdalena, Cocean Gabriela, 2018, Drivers of Change in Post-communist Agriculture in the Apuseni Mountains,  Transylvanian Review, XXVII,(1), p. 21 – 33.

Drăgan Magdalena, 2016, Locuințe secundare și case de vacanță în Munții Apuseni, Geographia Napocensis, X (2), p. 19 – 25.

Drăgan Magdalena, Gabriela Cocean, 2015, Constraints on tourism development caused by the road network in the Apuseni Mountains, Romanian Review of Regional Studies, vol. XI, nr. 2, pp. 85-94.

Drăgan Magdalena, 2013, The reorganization of economic activities in the Apuseni Mountains, Rev. Roum. Géogr/Rom. Journ. Geogr., 57, (1), p. 55 – 62.

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