Alexandra Ioan Ph.D.
Research Fellow
FRI PublicationsExpert CommentsNews and mass-mediaOther publicationsTab titleEvents
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2020). Want to help fight the Covid-19 pandemic long-term?Support Solutions from Social entrepreneurs. Here’s how. (Online) Availabe at:
- Mair, J., Wolf, M. and Ioan, A. (2020) Governance in Social Enterprises. In H.K. Anheier and T. Baums (Eds.), Handbook on Advances in Corporate Governance; Comparative Perspectives. Oxford University Press: Oxford. In Press.
- Ioan, Alexandra, Mühlenbein, Odin and Shirobokova, Olga. (2020) Systemic and empowering. Social entrepreneurship in the time of philanthrocapitalism. (Online) Availabe at:
- Wolf, Miriam and Ioan, Alexandra. (2020). Social Purpose Organizations and Digitalization: Towards an Inclusive and Sustainable Transformation. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. (Online) Availabe at:
- Ioan, Alexandra and Serta, Ana Luisa. (2019). Doing Democracy: How Social Entrepreneurs Bridge Divides, Fight Apathy and Strengthen Civil Liberties. Ashoka Learning and Action Center. (Online) Available at:
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2019). Romania’s election is more about the people than the candidates. Blog article. The German Marshall Fund of the United States. (Online) Availabe at:
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2019). Country chapter – Romania. In More-Hollerweger, E., Bogorin, F. Litofcenko, J., Meyer M. (eds). Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe: Monitoring 2019. ERSTE Foundation, Vienna. (Online) Available at:
- Ioan, Alexandra, Serta, Ana Luisa, Cary, Tatiana, Eimterbäumer, Marlene. (2019). Creative solutions for changing times. The approaches of social entrepreneurs to Europe’s most pressing challenges. Ashoka Learning and Action Center. (Online) Available at:
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2019). The Solution Abroad: Hungarian, Polish and Romanian Diasporas Engage for Democracy Back Home. Blog article. The German Marshall Fund of the United States. (Online) Availabe at:
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2019). Civic Engagement For Democracy From Abroad: Hungarian, Polish, and Romanian Diasporas. Policy paper. The German Marshall Fund of the United States. (Online) Availabe at:
- Ioan, Alexandra and Bibu, Teodora. (2018). Diaspora față în față cu parlamentari – o analiză. (Online) Availabe at:
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2018). Strategizing in highly institutionalized environments. Social enterprises in Germany. PhD Dissertation (Online) Availabe at:
- Ioan, Alexandra and Dragoș, Ioana. (2018). Protestul diasporei din 10 august – un moment bun de reflecție. (Online) Availabe at:
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2018). Accountability in social enterprises around the world. (Online) Availabe at:
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2018). Singura soluție pentru maturizarea societății civile românești este perseverența. Interview by Vladimir Adrian Costea, Blog (Online) Availabe at:
- Ioan. Alexandra. (2017). Social enterprises – a manifestation of ethical capitalism? Interview by Jessi McNeill, Young Leaders for Health Conference Blog (Online) Available at:—an-interview-with-Alexandra-Ioan?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base%3B8cCQ4qoMQ%2B2ly%2FKVpVj1QQ%3D%3D
- Ioan, Alexandra and Boța-Moisin, Monica. (2017). Romanian civil society abroad: perspectives from Berlin. In Ana Adi and Darren G. Lilleker (eds). #rezist: Romania’s 2017 anti-corruption protests: causes, development and implications. (Online) Available at:
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2017). Diaspora Civică Berlin: La început am fost 4 oameni cu o pancartă pe care scria un singur cuvânt. (Online) Available at :
- Ioan, Alexandra, Wolf, Miriam and Mair, Johanna. (2016). Study finds that German social enterprises lead in collaboration and innovation. (Online). Avaiable at:
- Wolf, Miriam and Ioan, Alexandra. (2016). Social enterprises in Germany and the refugee crisis: What role do they take? (Online) Available at:
- Wolf, Miriam and Ioan, Alexandra. (2015). Facing unexpected challenges – social entrepreneurs and the refugee crisis in Germany. (Online) Available at:
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2016). Social entrepreneurship in Central Eastern Europe – are we making the best of it? (Online) Available on the Hertie Innovationskolleg Blog (registration required).
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2009). The impact of Expedition Inside Culture. In Mazurkiewicz, G., Fischer, J. (red.). Designing authentic education for democracy. Expedition Inside Culture, Center for Innovative and Transformative Education, Bowling Green State University, Kraków, Poland/ Bowling Green, Ohio, USA.
- SEE Change Magazine. (2020). Think slow, act fast: 5 tips for using research and knowledge to maximize impact. Available at:
- CIVICA. (2020). Learning through practice and practice through learning: an interview on social science research with Alexandra Ioan. Available at:
- Hertie School. (2019). PhD profile: leveraging insights from social entrepreneurs. Available at:
- Impact Diaspora. (2019). Interview on diaspora civic engagement (in Romanian) Available at:
- Ioan, Alexandra. (2018). Singura soluție pentru maturizarea societății civile românești este perseverența. Interview by Vladimir Adrian Costea, Blog (Online) Availabe at:
- STARTx Conference organized by the START- Alumni e.V. (2018). Making a change back home – Diaspora Civică Berlin. Available at:
- SEFORÏS MOOC on Social Enterprises. (2017). Module 3: Organizational governance: between responsibility and opportunity. Available at: