Alegerile din America – partea 1

Event details

  • Monday | August 5, 2024
  • 4:00 pm

Online, August 5, 2024 (4.00 – 5.30 P.M.)

If you are passionate about the dynamics and consequences of the 2024 American presidential elections, we invite you to join our intermediate political science course. The goal is to provide a detailed analysis of the projections and implications of the 2024 American presidential elections for Romania and the world.

Andreea Măierean, Associate Professor of Political Science at Wilkes University, will lead the course. With extensive academic experience and expertise in post-communist transitions to democracy, transitional justice, and environmental policy, Dr. Măierean will offer a broad and in-depth perspective on the subject.

The course will be conducted online on the Zoom platform in two sessions of 1.5 hours each. So, don’t miss this opportunity to learn about and discuss one of the most important political events of the year.


Curs – American Presidential Electionsa

Andreea Maierean, Ph.D.

Departamente/unitați: Școala de Vară de la Făgăraș 2024; Departamentul pentru Programe Educaționale; Clubul de Cercetare, Centrul pentru Afaceri Global și Postdezvoltare

Regiuni: America de Nord

Teme: Științe Politice