Event details
- Friday | August 18, 2023
- 3:00 pm
August 18, 15.00-16.30 (Romanian time, in English, hybrid format)
The 5Rs of Spirituality is a method that was developed with my experience combining spirituality with science for human and social development. Following each step of the method, we start by “Recognizing” the plural spirituality in each of us. “Relearning” about our limitations and potentials. And “Reconnecting” with our essence and our purposes so that we can experience an environment conducive to “Re-signifying” our activities and our meaning of life and “Rehumanizing” our relationships. Thus we are interacting with an environment generated by conscious people, who act according to their purpose, who understand the social importance of their work, and who are happy to be truly connected.
Departments/units: Făgăraș Summer School 2023, Educational Programs Department, Research Club
Region: Global
Topics: Spirituality and Religion