Research, conservation, and restoration camp – stone monuments 2023

Event details

  • Monday | August 21, 2023 to Tuesday | August 29, 2023
  • All Day

August 21 – 29, 2023; Făgăraș and the region (in Romanian & English, in person in Făgăraș and the region)

A funeral monument is in itself a historical source and is often considered artistic and cultural heritage. Graveyards, irrespective of their religious belonging, represent important research sources for studying various phenomena unfolding in the host communities. Therefore, by researching such monuments we can learn much about individual life stories and about the broader community. 

Historical research of funeral monuments from a certain graveyard can indicate the demographic evolution of the Jewish population in the Făgăraș area, in relation to the socio-political life in specific historical periods. 

Conserving and restoring funeral monuments is aimed at safeguarding as well as avoiding their loss. Degradation is a phenomenon that cannot be controlled and which in time affects funeral monuments. It is the obligation of restorers to intervene in time to save such monuments from destruction. Often, emergency interventions are needed in graveyards, given the advanced state of degradation of many funeral monuments.  

The Summer Camp consists in practical activities which will take part at the Jewish Cemetery in Făgăraș, as well as in rural communities in Țara Făgărașului.


Sidonia Olea Ph.D.Cand

Departments/units: Făgăraș Summer School 2023, Educational Programs Department, Research Department,  Researchers Club, CRAI

Region: Făgăraș Country

Topics: History, Anthropology