Report on Țara Făgărașului Diaspora Engagement in Civic and Philanthropic Activities

The report focuses on community engagement and philanthropic activities of Țara Făgărașului diaspora. In order to understand diaspora engagement, we are tracking the migration pathways, the decision-making processes involved, experiences while away, as well as in case of return. The Report has been commissioned by the Țara Făgărașului Community Foundation...

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A Growing (Re-)Engagement between Central and Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa​

Author: Dr. Stefan Cibian The ACP-EU Inter-Parliamentary Assembly takes place in Bucharest this month. A rare occasion where a significant Africa-EU event takes place in a New EU Member State. CEE-Africa relations are one of the recent nuances of the EU and global politics that is likely become more relevant...

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România (Ne)Educată: Cauze Ale Unui Sistem Disfuncțional

România Educată – un raport bine-venit, dar extrem de timid în raport cu disfuncționalitatea sistemului educațional Author: Dr. Ștefan Cibian Sistemul educațional din România distruge continuu o parte semnificativă a capitalului uman al acestei țări, în loc să îl dezvolte. Rata de analfabetism funcțional, de abandon școlar și mulți alți...

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Hollowing Democracy: Lessons Learnt From Central And Eastern Europe For Building Stronger Democracies Globally

Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is leaving democracy behind, once again. Three decades of ‘endeavored’ democracy generated an institutional setup that is instrumentalized for its destruction. The Governments and leading parties of most New Member States of the European Union (EU) are following the Russian model of playing democracy while...

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Mercator Winter Forum 2020

Stiftung Mercator organized the Winter Forum in Essen on January 10-12, 2020. The Forum brought together alumni from the different programs of the Foundation and facilitated discussions on topics such as intercultural youth exchange, civil society, education, migration, advocacy, research and the future of the European Union. Within the Forum...

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Pathways to Power Symposium: Reflections on #ShiftThePower

Powerful life stories and transformative ideas made the Pathways to Power Symposium a highlight in understanding and transforming the dysfunctional global aid and economic systems. Development assistance and community philanthropy are rarely brought together, although they are both practices aimed at improving the well-being of communities around the world. The Symposium succeeded...

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