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- Community Foundations & SDGs
- Uncategorized
- Departments
- Făgăraș Research Institute Publishing House
- FRI Media Lab
- Society, Crisis and Rezilience
- Research Department
- Policy Analysis and Outreach Department
- The International Center for Global Affairs and Postdevelopment (IC-GAP)
- Făgăraș Summer School
- Educational Programs Department
- FRI Community Archive
- Research Club
- Center for Anti-Communist Resistance and History (CRAI)
- The Management Team
- News SDF 2024
- Type of module
- Themes
- Teaching
- Political Science
- Foreign Policy and Diplomacy
- Digitalization and AI
- Philosophy
- Democracy and Democratization
- Cities
- COVID-19
- Art History
- Management
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Agriculture and Food Systems
- Arts and Culture
- Social Inequalities
- Innovation, Science & Research
- Environment and Climate Change
- Technology
- History
- Astronomy and Dark Skys
- Architecture and Urbanism
- Public Policy
- Civil Society
- Jewish Studies
- Civic Engagement
- Visual Anthropology
- Anthropology
- Research Methods
- Interdisciplinarity
- Heritage
- Communism and Totalitarianism
- Migration and Diaspora
- European Union
- Education
- Security and peacebuilding
- Development Aid
- Literature
- Postcolonialism
- Youth Work and Policy
- Economy and trade
- Human Rights
- Media and Journalism
- Philanthropy and Community Development
- Freedom of Expression
- International Development
- Spirituality and Religion
- Communication and outreach
- Leadership
- Social science
- Health and Health Policy
- Regions
- Projects
- Research is Cool & Useful!
- Fagaras Country Diaspora
- Responsibility. Freedom of Expression
- The world after COVID-19: Migration and Mobility
- Community Foundations driving change on the SDGs
- Făgăraș Municipal Library Re-development
- Rethink ICT Education in Făgăraș
- Community spaces and their role during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond
- Făgăraș Summer School 2020
- Developing the capacity of NGO’s from Țara Fagarasului
- Civil Society Sustainability
- COVID-19 and Impact Management: Tools for enhancing civil society impact
- Transforming African Development and Political Processes
- Strengthening Democracy and Democratization Globally
- The World after COVID-19: Migration and Mobility Project
- Global Diplomacy Lab
- Effects of COVID-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals
- Lab on Technology and Shrinking Communities
- Impact management: ‘Do It Yourself’ toolkit for the average CSO
- Migration in the Balkans: Before and After Joining the EU
- Romania’s Relations with African countries
- Community Philanthropy Organizations and Power Structures in Local Communities
- Africa – European Union Relations: A common future?
- Current projects
- Central and Eastern Europe’s Relations with Africa: Learning about the past, re-imagining the future
- Closed projects
- Evaluation of the Program School after School of Vodafone Romania Foundation
- Turkey – European Union relations: Insights for the Future
- Authors
- Ionescu, Alexandru
- Thielen, Constanze
- Oprea, Iulia-Alexandra
- Marica, Ana
- Florea, Alexandra
- Cucu, Maria
- Eni, Maria
- Maloba, Elizabeth
- Ana-Maria Chirila
- Bhakti Shringarpure, Ph.D.
- Lutz Drieling
- Balan, Ela
- Cosmin, Alexandru
- Carnu, Adriana
- Lup, Oana
- Cepoi, Victor
- Andrei Verestiuc
- Wieringa, Pieter
- Popescu, Monica
- Ghircoias, Mihai
- Visan, Laura
- Faff, Luminița
- Lima Leite, Monique
- Gabor, Elena
- Edi, Beserman
- Cibian, Mihaela
- Pop, Rucsandra
- Neagu, Marina
- Leaha, Mihai
- Ianis, Rușitoru
- Stiniguta, Paul
- Poesch, Moritz
- Langusi, Daniela
- Marina Batog
- Fejes, Lev
- Gabor, Octavian
- Greab, Carmen
- Pirlogeanu, Gabriel
- Kadar, Magor
- Ciobanu, Andreas
- Ioan, Alexandra
- Cibian, Stefan
- Stupu, Andrei
- Rusu, Adela
- Pica, Stefania
- Moreh, Chris
- Iliescu, Cosmin
- Andra, Octavia
- Ranca, Laura
- Fierascu, Silvia
- Georgiev, Georgi
- Hasu-Georgiev, Ioana
- Neagoe, Cristina
- Cioltan-Draghiciu
- Peca, Alexandra
- Morar, Andrei
- Igboegwu, Amarachi
- Mihăilescu, David
- Daniel, Cristian
- Patru, Mihai
- Molnos, Anca
- Cristian Gogu
- Matei, Marius
- Toma, Irina
- Dragan, Magdalena
- Mihailescu, Sergiu
- Lupu, Alexandru
- Racu, Mihai
- Florian (Oprisor), Anca
- Sorin Cebotari
- Lincariu, Ionut
- Type of publication
- Publications Leadership Global și Obiective
- Africa – Central and Eastern Europe Relations
Str. Gheorghe Doja, Nr. 23, 505200 Făgăraș, Jud. Brașov, Romania
+40 758 331 727
+40 268 214 014